Thursday, July 15, 2021


 Happy holidays

Hello there. I hope you are enjoying your holiday cause i am. I know you are probably wondering, "why do you like your holiday? Well that is because i will be watching a movie called space jam 18th of July witch is this Sunday!!!! Like i know right and if you don't know what king of movie is space jam then you are in luck again. WARNING IS SPOILERS ALERT I REPEAT SPOILERS ALERT. Ok so were was i? Oh yeah. There is a group of animals and humans and they are playing basket ball and that's all i am telling you alright? Ok . See you soon.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Tool kit and fales

 Good day everyone. Today we have been working on our tool kit. If you don't know what a took kit is then your in luck. A tool kit is when you pick an activity that's related to school, then you basically make a speech that can be up to 15 minutes long. My tool kit is about mine craft, about how to build a better bedroom And yesterday in my class a fale called Rata got -28 points cause a person left his chrome book open on the floor and then it was dead.(not really dead but like you know when there is no more battery left on it) anyway that's why Rata got -28 and oh Rata is a tree