Monday, November 8, 2021

The celebration on 5th of November

 Hello bloggers

I hope you have had a good weekend.Today I will be talking about the 5th of November on this slide below.Make sure you click the slide if you wanna know about Guy Fawkes and I hope you bloggers learn something new.


  1. Hi Semisi,
    Nice work! I think I learned some no SO much things about Guy Fawkes Thanks!

  2. Thanks for commenting on my blog Ananya ill make sure to comment on yours to today and im happy you learnt something about Guy Fawkes.

  3. Hey Semisi your blog is really good and i definitely learnt a lot about Guy Fawkes good job

  4. Hi semesi,
    I leant a lot about Guy fawkes when I read you're blog post.
    Nice wark.
    keep up the good work.

  5. Hello guys thanks for commenting on my blog ill make sure to comment on your to.

  6. Hi Semisi,
    This is a really interesting and I like how you came up with a way that could keep both sides of the firework banning protest happy. Another good way to make it fair is to say fireworks are only alowed at public firework displays because that way you can still see them and theres not so many going off which makes less poloution and makes it easier fore firemen.
    Keep up the great work!


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